Selection Criteria

  1. The ‘Committee’  is defined as ‘the Selection Committee of Abbots Langley Cricket Club or any member or members of that Committee, acting on it’s behalf.’
  2. Only players considered  eligible for selection by the clubs membership rules, will be selected.
  3. The general principle of the Committee is that teams will normally be selected based on availability and merit.
  4. Teams will be selected in the following order: Saturday 1st. X I, Saturday 2nd.XI, Saturday 3rd.XI,Saturday 4th. XI, Saturday 5th. XI, Sunday 1st. XI , Sunday 2nd. XI , Sunday Development XI.
  5. The Captain and/or Vice Captain of these teams will select in order, based on the above principle. In the absence of both Captain and Vice Captain of any team, from the Selection Committee meeting, the team will be selected by the rest of the Committee, on the same basis.
  6. On occasion, the Captain and/or Vice Captain of a team, may choose to select a player not based on merit, in order not to weaken the lower teams {Support player}. In this event, that player, will be informed by the Committee that he has been selected on that basis.
  7. A player, other than a Support player, may only be demoted at the rate of one team per week, given continued availability.
  8. A Support player may be demoted at a faster rate, providing this is explained to him by the Committee.
  9. In the event of interrupted availability in Saturday league cricket, the Committee will make no commitment as to the team in which the player will be selected, when available again, regardless of the length of absence.
  10. Priority will be given to players with more regular availability in the event of equivalent merit.