Abbots Langley Cricket Club News story


01 Apr 2020

Dear All,

It is with great sadness to report that one of our Life members, Clive Winder past away in the last week, due to coronavirus.

Clive joined the club more than 25 years ago when he moved into the village with his young family.

He took an active role in the club as a player and committee member. He was club treasurer for 12 years, doing such a good job, that the practices used by subsequent club treasurers were influenced very much by Clive.

We were also indebted to Clive for getting hold of fittings for the club house in the early years after its construction. He also arranged  the Beer festivals over the last 15 years or so that have been always well supported.  The last beer festival was just 4 weeks ago, the club's last social.

Those of you connected with the Scouts in the village will know the great work he did over the years.

We will all have our memories of Clive - we will miss him.

Our thoughts at this time are with Sally, Lisa, Jamie and Christopher. I am glad to hear senior members are in contact with the family.

Clive Winder RIP

Do not be frightened to pick up the phone to fellow members during these testing times-


