Abbots Langley Cricket Club News story

Junior training at Parmiters- OCTOBER & NOVEMBER

27 Sep 2020

Dear Parents- Junior Section,


We are holding training sessions at Parmiters Sports Hall this Autumn under current guidelines


Session 3pm to 4pm    Softball for All Stars/Dynamos boys and girls plus u9 boys & below/ u11 girls and below

Maximum of 30 in the group inc coaches (we will keep a couple of spare places free on the day for walk ins, new players)

Entrance will be through the main reception and exit through the fire doors at the end of the session (doorways and the ventilation system will be operational so extra clothing may be required)


Session 4pm to 5pm  Hardball  up to 28- 30 people max-    split into 4 nets - 6 participants at most each net -   split into girls (u10/11- u18 max age),  boys - rule of thumb u10/u11s, u11-u13s, u13s-u15s. (flexibility depending on numbers re boys and demand at each age group).Odd  Spaces will be allowed for new joiners people on the day re availability

Cost per week £5 a session £3 for siblings

DATES OF SESSIONS  -  4th and 11th October /  1st and 15th November

Please advise of your sons and daughters availability in advance of these dates & we will subsequent confirm the bookings - I will be encouraging the various head coaches to be involved in helping collate the groups for the sessions & communicate with you re availability/bookings.

Thank you for your continued support.


