Abbots Langley Cricket Club News story

Club AGM -25th February 2022 - at the Clubhouse 7.30pm start- All members welcome

02 Feb 2022


Dear All,


After cancelling the AGM for the years 2020-21, the committee are happy to report we are holding the delayed 2021-22 AGM  on Friday 25th February.

As the original meeting was cancelled only days before it was due, all positions will be confirmed on the evening based on members proposed and seconded for each position. 

An agenda, plus relevant reports  and any recommended proposals re changes to the constitution and /or membership will be issued prior to the meeting. All members of the club are encouraged to attend -as it is one of the few times members have an opportunity to voice their opinions and influence the way ahead.

There will be an informal players meeting immediately after the AGM, led by the new Captains for which communications have already been issued.

