Dear All,
Lets hope there is an improvement in the weather for our season to kick off two weeks today.
Important information - not least the use of the nets.
Getting Started/ Club Ground force Saturday 8th April 10-00am to 12-30pm - All members are invited to attend in preparing the ground/clubhouse/score hut for the forthcoming season- Contact Jack Bishop for further details.
Friday 14th April 7.15pm -9.00pm -Club Kit sale- At the clubhouse - we will be selling club clothing - Mens/Womens/Boys and Girls Kit- Playing and Training Tops/hats/hoodies/ trousers - for new joiners/ those that have grown or even shrunk. All playrs are expected to have a club shirt as a minimum.
Junior Training to commence Sunday 16th April- times during the summer - normally in the mornings but with the football over running this year - we will run training 2pm to 4pm on this Sunday & will review subsequent Sundays pending football activities.
The new nets and use of them-
We will start with the following regime-
Sundays on a controlled rota basis shared between the teams (u13s the oldest group now).
Mondays- Womens' Training
Tuesday- Senior Training Session 1
Wednesday- Booked on an individual basis - contact the club captain Nick Gurney for availability & access.
Thursday - Senior Training Session 2
Friday - U14 boys Training
Members using the nets at any time will be responsible for returning any equipment used back to the clubhouse or score hut.
The Wednesday evening booking system is a trial and the cricket committee will continue to review and monitor re future usage -